Title: In The Role Of Brie Hutchens...
Author: Nicole Melleby
272 pages
Expected publication: June 30th 2020
by Algonquin Young Reader
ISBN: 1616209070 (ISBN13: 9781616209070)
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts and opinions are my own. Any quotes I use are from an unpublished copy and may not reflect the finished product.
Where to even start? Emotional, messy, and life-changing, this new coming of age novel is breathtaking. This novel follows Brie, a soap opera lover with a passion for acting as she discovers her sexuality. From financial stress, family relationships, religion, schoolwork, to sexuality, this book is emotionally challenging.
When I first read the description, I was scared to read this novel as a Catholic religion topic is not something I would go for, BUT it was not overwhelmed with information and it did not try to change your faith. The support surrounding our main character was moving as not everyone in her life was against her sexuality.
If we’re being honest, I might have cried once or twice. This book is an eye-opener on the LGBTQ community, the everyday struggle of coming out and acceptance.
The secondary characters (Kennedy, Parker, Wallace…) were easy to love but lacked a background story. I wished we knew more about Kennedy’s story, what she is dealing with, maybe a second book with her version would be interesting and showcases how every coming out story is different for everyone.
"Brie never felt ready, no matter how many times she had to say the words. She hoped that Kennedy would figure out how to do it on her own time. She hoped that when she did it, it would be because she was ready. Not because she felt pressured to."
In conclusion, this is a book that every youth must-read. I will definitely keep this on my book shelve in the hopes of one day introduce to my own children. This is a read for someone going through their own sexuality but as well for any ally to have insight into the LGBTQ community.